Your Requirement

You need dynamic, scalable and flexible computing resources that you can manage in self-service and adapt individually to your needs. You don’t want to worry about the operation of the IT infrastructure and want to focus on your operating system and application. You expect a modern IT infrastructure and secure data management without the usual maintenance effort.

Our Offer

With Openstack, the GWDG operates its own dynamic, secure and scalable cloud infrastructure. In addition to the standard Infrastructure as a Service functionality (compute, network, data storage), additional components provide orchestration and service management, etc. You can manage your pool of cloud resources via a dashboard ( or the APIs.


Every user with an account of the Max Planck Society or the University of Göttingen and users of a participating university of the Academic Cloud can apply for an activation for the service “GWDG Cloud Server” at After activation, you can login on the dashboard ( via SSO/AcademicID.

Manuals and further information