Your Requirement

You would like to know which large research instruments are available to you at the Göttingen Campus, or you would like to manage your research instruments easily and make the best possible use of them.

Our Offer

GRO.instruments offers you a web-based management platform for research instruments that enables collaboration across laboratory, institute or organisational boundaries. You can either submit a usage request or manage and keep track of usage requests that have been addressed to you or your instrument(s). The service is part of the portal Göttingen Research Online by the Göttingen eResearch Alliance. Technical Details: GRO.instruments basiert auf der Software openIRIS und wurde für den Göttingen Campus angepasst. Der Service ist in die GWDG Infrastruktur (Single Sign-On, Identity-Management sowie Backup) eingebunden und steht Ihnen gemäß den geltenden Anforderungen an Datenschutz und-sicherheit zur Verfügung.


Every user with an institutional account at the Göttingen Campus (University of Göttingen, MPG or GWDG) can use the GRO.instruments service after activation

Manuals and further information